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Kisa Reports

KISA’s 2023 Annual Activity report

Despite the significant challenges posed by the ongoing criminalisation and attacks, KISA played a pivotal role in disseminating information and raising awareness about the importance of safeguarding the right to asylum, protecting the rights of migrants and refugees,...

National Report on Hate Crime Monitoring

You can download the report here This report is prepared and submitted in the context of TOGETHER! Empowering civil society and law enforcement agencies to make hate crime visible, which is a transnational programme co-funded by the Justice Department of the European...

Έκθεση για την Παρακολούθηση Εγκλημάτων Μίσους

Δείτε την έκθεση εδώ Η παρούσα έκθεση συντάσσεται και υποβάλλεται στο πλαίσιο του ΜΑΖΙ! Ενδυνάμωση των φορέων της κοινωνίας και υπηρεσιών επιβολής του νόμου να κάνουμε ορατά τα εγκλήματα μίσους, το οποίο είναι ένα διακρατικό πρόγραμμα που συγχρηματοδοτείται από το...

Comparative Report on Hate Crime Monitoring – TOGETHER Project

Access the full report  The present report is one of the outcomes of “TOGETHER! Empowering civil society and Law Enforcement Agencies to make hate crime visible”, which is a transnational project co-funded by the Justice Department of the European Commission under the...

Racist Violence in Cyprus

For the full report, click here Due to the historical background of the ethnic conflict in Cyprus and the ongoing segregation of the two local communities, it is not surprising that there has been very little said or done to tackle discrimination, racism and racist...

My Voice – My rights: Young, marginalised and empowered by the law

Download the report here Despite the law acknowledges their civil rights, young migrants are exposed to multiple and intersectional discrimination in employment, housing, education, institutional and family contexts. They have limited knowledge and understanding of...

Mapping out the situation of labour trafficking in Cyprus

Cyprus is a destination country for victims of trafficking, mainly for sexual and labour exploitation, even though other forms of trafficking, such as for the purposes of begging, more commonly in children of Roma origin, street prostitution, removal of organs and...

Δικαιώματα μειονοτήτων: λύσεις σε σχέση με το κυπριακό πρόβλημα

Η έκθεση «Δικαιώματα μειονοτήτων: λύσεις σε σχέση με το κυπριακό πρόβλημα» αποτυπώνει την υφιστάμενη δημογραφία των μειονοτήτων στο νησί, αξιολογεί τις ειρηνευτικές διαδικασίες που απέτυχαν στο παρελθόν, εξετάζει τα προβλήματα, τις προοπτικές και τις προκλήσεις που...

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