Play as a tool for integration

It was with great success that KISA’s open day event was held yesterday at Europe Square in Larnaca for the presentation and dissemination of the results of the We art one workshop, implemented under the transnational European programme LAB 31, with the participation of teenagers with a migrant and refugee background as well as Cypriot teenagers.
In his address, the Mayor of Larnaca, Mr Andreas Vyras, mentioned the multi-coloured features of his city and how the Municipality is open to all people, irrespective of any diversity. He particularly welcomed yesterday’s event, to the organisation of which the services of the Municipality had contributed substantially.
In her speech, Ms Leda Koursoumba, Commissioner for the Rights of the Child, made a detailed analysis of the child’s right to play and its role in the process of integration and equal participation in society. Ms Koursoumba also congratulated KISA for organizing the event and for its action in general to promote the human rights of all human beings, including the rights of the child.
Following that, audio-visual material from the workshop activities was screened, while teenagers who participated and the professionals who facilitated the workshop shared their experiences, impressions and joy for their participation.
The event ended with a wonderful music and dance performance by the teenagers who participate in the workshop, which was warmly applauded by the audience.
Along with the programme there was an exhibition with photographic material from the workshop as well as audio-visual material prepared by the teenagers as part of the programme.
For Photos from the open day, please follow the link below:
Nicosia, 29.08.2019