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asylumPublished on May 31, 2013

Civil society should be consulted on migrant issues

THE UNITED Nations’ Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has asked European Parliament and the European Commission to make mandatory for the state to consult civil society and non-governmental organisations when it comes to programmes relating to asylum seekers, refugees and migrants.

UNHCR representative, Nasr Ishak, said that with Cyprus in dire financial straits, authorities must make better use of substantial EU funding available to member states to address the needs of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants across Europe.

Ishak participated in a round-table discussion with of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society organisations (CSOs) in Cyprus. The UNHCR has previously said that Cyprus, as an EU member state facing serious financial difficulties, was now entitled to receive 95 per cent of the cost of providing appropriate reception facilities for asylum seekers from EU Refugee Funds. And in its latest Cyprus report, Amnesty International said that authorities continue locking migrants up in poor conditions without considering alternatives.

One way of making better use of sources of funding available to Cyprus is by consulting CSOs and NGOs, Ishak said. Making the process mandatory may help “make effective use of public funds,” he added.

During the round-table discussion NGOs expressed concerns over the welfare and security of “some of the most marginalized groups in the country including migrants, victims of trafficking, unaccompanied children, refugees, asylum seekers and even people in detention,” a news release said. Closer collaboration between state authorities with NGOs and CSOs can help deliver services to those in need, the groups said.

Participating in the discussion were: Association of Recognised Refugees-CY; Caritas; Cyprus Stop Trafficking; Future Worlds Centre; Hope for Children; INDEX; International Security Forum; KISA; Red Cross; Refugee Rights Association.

Source: Cyprus Mail

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