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DSC_1082We, the recognised refugees of Cyprus, met today 20 June 2015, in the context of the World Refugee Day to discuss, exchange views and initiate the self-organisation and empowerment of refugees through collective action to address the serious problems refugees are facing in Cyprus as regards their effective integration as a durable solution.

In the context of the above meeting we established a provisional committee for the establishment of the CYPRUS REFUGEE FORUM. The Cyprus Refugee Forum considers that the following demands are a priority and we expect that the Government of Cyprus will enter into a meaningful consultation so as to immediately address them.

WE DEMAND that access to citizenship is facilitated by the Cypriot Government.  Refugee’s access to citizenship as a tool of full integration of refugees in the Cypriot society continues to be a serious problem as,  despite the recent naturalisation of refugees who went on hunger strike demanding their rights,  there still continues to exist a restrictive policy violating the 1951 Convention on the Legal Status of Refugees which puts an obligation on contracting states to facilitate   naturalisation as a way of offering durable solutions to refugees. We therefore demand facilitation of the naturalisation of refugees by changing the current restrictive policies, expedition of naturalisation procedures for refugees, application of the five years residence rule in Cyprus to qualify for naturalisation and the waiver of the fees payable for naturalisation in accordance with the 1951 Refugee Convention.

WE DEMAND that a comprehensive integration policy is developed for the full and effective participation of refugees under conditions of equal treatment in all areas of life in the Cypriot society. In particular WE DEMAND that –

  1. Refugees have equal access as Cypriots in practice to healthcare, housing schemes, access to the labour market, recognition of their professional qualifications and education and to revoke directly or indirect discriminatory provisions in various laws which restrict such access;
  2. Refugees have effective access to available EU funding for the integration of refugees so as to design their own projects according to their real integration needs;
  3. The officers of all the relevant government departments are properly and correctly trained on the rights of refugees so as to support them in having access to their rights in accordance with the law;
  1. The government takes immediate and effective action to end institutional racism and discrimination against refugees in Cyprus.
  2. The government takes immediate and effective action to raise awareness around refugees in Cyprus and their problems in order to make the Society more open and receiving towards refugees.

WE DEMAND that the government grands permanent and/or long term residence to refugees in Cyprus so as to be able to enjoy freedom of movement in the EU and have equal opportunities just as any other refugees in the EU have.

WE DEMAND that the government develops a fair and effective asylum system in full respect of the rights of refugees, with properly trained asylum authorities, properly trained translators, access to efficient legal aid in the asylum procedure and to effective remedies and to end the violation of 1951 Convention on Refugees by not recognising as refugees persons who fulfil the criteria of the refugee definition and recognise only subsidiary protection status.

Finally in solidarity with our brothers and sisters Stateless Kurds from Syria who are on hunger strike for the last 8 months outside the Ministry of Interior demanding their right to be recognised as refugees, WE DEMAND that the Government  grants them the status of a recognised refugees and/ or grants them citizenship in full recognition of their rights.

The Provisory committee of the Cyprus Refugee Forum

  • Ali Asgari,
  • Kema Moses Naende,
  • Fauziye Tayim
  • Willy Totoro,
  • Salah Ghanim,
  • Muhamad Taheineh,
  • Afsaneh Mohammadi

Nicosia, 20.06.2015

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